Only 13% of Nigerians have access to improved toilets with handwashing facility with soap and running water

  • 23% of the population (48 million people) defecate in the open in Nigeria
  • Only 18% of Nigerians (37 million people) have access to safely managed sanitation services
  • 46% of the population use a basic sanitation service Female-headed households at 47% are more likely to have access to basic sanitation service at 45% 72% of the population use improved sanitation facilities, while 25% of the population use shared latrines

Access to Sanitation Services in Nigeria

  • Only 51% of persons living with disabilities find their household’s improved latrines useable and accessible 21% of households do not dispose of children’s faeces safely
  • In 33% of households with latrines, the latrine platforms are not safe for children to use
  • 11% of household members feel they are at risk while using their toilets/latrines
  • Only 13% of the population use improved sanitation facilities that have a proper handwashing facility with soap and running water

Source: Water Sanitation and Hygiene National Outcome Routine Mapping (WASHNORM) survey, 2021

The survey is a collaboration between the Federal Ministry of Water Resource and the National Bureau of Statistics with support from UNICEF, the World Bank, WHO and other development partners.

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