Only 8 % of urban water service connections are active, 41 % of all urban water taps are contaminated

  •  There are an estimated 1,395 waterworks connected to urban water utilities across the 36 states of Nigeria including the FCT serving urban settlements.
  • 951 (67 %) of water works are not functional, while 157 (12 %) are partially functional.
  • 28 out of 36 states plus the FCT have urban water utilities out of which only 16 are functional
  • Only 249 LGAs out of the 744 LGAs in the country have piped water service from urban utilities
  • Only 444,171 (8 %) of the 1,195,262 urban water service connections across the country are active
  • More than two-thirds (54 %) of urban water utilities’ consumers do not depend solely on their public tap water for drinking
  • Combined installed capacity of all waterworks is 8,058,150m3 per day while the operating capacity of all waterworks is 1,975,073m3 per day representing a 25 % capacity utilization.
  • In 1 out of 10 households, water is never available from their connection or taps fed by urban water utilities
  • About 41 % of all taps fed by urban water utilities’ supply are contaminated with thermotolerant coliform
  • Only 16 % of households report that they always receive sufficient quantities of water each day from their urban water utilities connections or taps and 48% of this group are satisfied with the quantity of water supplied

Source: Water Sanitation and Hygiene National Outcome Routine Mapping (WASHNORM) survey, 2021

The survey is a collaboration between the Federal Ministry of Water Resource and the National Bureau of Statistics with support from UNICEF, the World Bank, WHO and other development partners.

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