- Total WASH expenditure by households in 2020 is ₦3.4 trillion or $8.5 billion and the per capita expenditure is ₦16, 710 16 % was invested on capital cost while 84 % represent cost of non-capital or recurrent costs
- The expenditure pattern of rural households spending more than urban households continued in 2020; ₦1 trillion or $3.3 billion a notable increase from 2018 from $6.6 billion while urban households expended ₦909 billion or $2.4 million compared to $4.2 billion in 2018
- Expenditure for water supply services in 2020 is estimated to be ₦1 trillion or $2.5 billion;
Household expenditure on water, sanitation, and hygiene services in Nigeria
- Prorated expenditure shows 35 % was spent on transportation to and from water points, 15 % on storage facilities and 14 % on water treatment
- ₦66 billion or $165 million was spent on sanitation services by households in 2020 out which 35 % was expended on toilet emptying and 33% on construction Hygiene spending was estimated at ₦2 trillion or $5.5 billion in 2020 by households across the country.
- 30 % were expenses on bathing and laundry soap, 27 % on washing materials and equipment while 8 % was spent on sanitary pads
Source: Water Sanitation and Hygiene National Outcome Routine Mapping (WASHNORM) survey, 2021
The survey is a collaboration between the Federal Ministry of Water Resource and the National Bureau of Statistics with support from UNICEF, the World Bank, WHO and other development partners.
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