- Only 6 % of health care facilities have access to basic WASH services 59 % of health facilities have basic water supply services.
- Access to basic water supply services in urban health facilities is 82 %, while access for those in rural areas is 50 % 12 % of health facilities have basic sanitation services.
- Access in urban areas stands at 15 %, while in rural areas it stands at 11 % 30 % of health facilities have access to basic hand hygiene services.
Access to WASH Services in Health Facilities in Nigeria
- Access to basic hygiene services in health facilities in urban areas is 47%, almost twice the access level in rural health facilities at 24% Tube wells/boreholes are the predominant source of water in health facilities, constituting 52 % of the water facility types 17 % of hospitals do not have any water source at all and 18 % do not have toilets/latrines on premises Flush/pour flush toilets were the predominant sanitation facilities in health facilities, making up 58 % of all toilet types
- Only 19 % of health facilities have improved toilets, which are separated for females and allow for menstrual health and hygiene and 23 % have improved toilets which are accessible to those with limited mobility
- About half of health facilities (47 %) have hand hygiene stations with soap and water at points of care, while 36 % have hand hygiene stations with soap and water at toilets
- 31 % of health facilities have handwashing facilities with soap and water and accessible to both staff and patients and evidently in use at the time of visit, with 24 % in rural areas and 50 % in urban areas 37 % of health care facilities safely separate their garbage and waste into at least 3 labelled bins in consultation area and safely dispose of garbage/waste 31 % of health facilities with WASH facilities keep a dedicated budget for cleaning and maintaining the WASH facilities
Source: Water Sanitation and Hygiene National Outcome Routine Mapping (WASHNORM) survey, 2021
The survey is a collaboration between the Federal Ministry of Water Resource and the National Bureau of Statistics with support from UNICEF, the World Bank, WHO and other development partners.
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