Access to WASH in Schools
- About a third of all schools (37 %) have basic water supply services, while 30 % of schools have access to basic sanitation services.
- Only 8 % of schools have girls’ toilet compartments with provisions for menstrual hygiene management. Handwashing facilities are not available in 49 % of schools, while about three in ten schools (35 %) have access to basic hygiene services.
- Composite analysis of access to WASH services in schools shows that only 17 % of schools have access to a combination of basic water and sanitation services. Specifically, only 19 % of schools have basic water and hygiene services, while 3% of schools were found to have basic gender-sensitive WASH services.
- Additionally, only 42% of schools get support from the school-based management committees/PTA/host community to maintain available WASH facilities, and nearly 15 % of schools have budgeted funds for maintenance of WASH facilities.
- This indicates poor investments in WASH services for schools by the education sector and host communities. Consequently, sustainability issues and progress towards attaining the SDGs water goal and targets remains a recurring challenge
Source: Water Sanitation and Hygiene National Outcome Routine Mapping (WASHNORM) survey, 2021
The survey is a collaboration between the Federal Ministry of Water Resources and the National Bureau of Statistics
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