I am proud to share an exciting milestone: we’ve launched the Heads of State Initiatives at Stockholm World Water Week, a collaborative effort between Sanitation and Water for All, the Government of the Netherlands, IRCWASH, and UNICEF.
The Heads of State Initiatives are a global movement with a clear and ambitious vision: to inspire and encourage Heads of State and Government around the world to take a leading role in championing water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Already, our joint efforts are showing great progress. The recent launch event marked a turning point, where Malawi and South Sudan introduced their Presidential Compacts on Water and Sanitation, joining nine other countries already working on their presidential initiatives. Nigeria has also joined as a mentor country, showcasing the potential of cross-national collaboration.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to all our partners who continue to show dedication and support. A special acknowledgment to AGENCIA ESPAÑOLA DE COOPERACION INTERNACIONAL PARA EL DESARROLLO – AECID, whose recent commitment as a donor to SWA adds significant momentum to our mission.
Let’s forge ahead and make water, sanitation and hygiene a top political priority
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