5TH GWOPA congress opens in Bonn

The 5th  Global Water Operators’ Partnership Alliance (GWOPA) Congress commenced today, in Bonn, Germany. Below are two key messages that came out from the meeting’s opening session:

Life and dignity are neither bought nor sold and water is the blue soul of life. Drinking water and sanitation of individuals and collective health should not be managed from the logic of the market, but from the logic of the general interest. Democratic governance implies transparency, participation and shared responsibility and solidarity, which includes responsibilities and good use of waterPedro Arroyo (Special rapporteur on the Human Right to safe drinking water and sanitation)

In Uganda, a 36% gap between the richest and the poorest, with 80% of the richest people having access to at least basic water supply but the poorest only 44%. There is also  a whopping great 59% gap between the capital in Kampala, which was about 97%, and KARA-MURZA Region up north, which is around 38%. I think from that we can see quite clearly who’s being left behind- Kit Dyer (UNICEF’S WASH Specialist)


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