- Only 11 % of schools have access to gender sensitive basic WASH services
- 37 % of schools have basic water supply services
- 35 % have access to basic sanitation services and 30 % to basic hygiene services
- 31 % of schools in rural areas have basic water supply services, while schools in urban areas is at 49 % Access to basic sanitation services in schools in urban areas is 44 % and access for schools in rural areas is 23 %
- The predominant water sources used by schools, are tube wells/boreholes, constituting up to 33 % of all water facilities found in schools
- The predominant sanitation facility type used by schools that have toilets is the hanging latrine, making up 52 % of all toilet types
- Only 8 % of schools have separate girls’ toilet compartments with provisions for menstrual hygiene management
- Only 4 % of schools safely desludge their toilet when it is filled up Handwashing facilities are not available in 49 % of schools Schools in rural areas (27%) are about twice less likely to have access to basic hygiene services than schools in urban areas (50 %)
- Group handwashing facilities are available within the school premises in 45 % of the schools Only 15 % of schools have on-budget funds for maintenance of WASH facilities
Source: Water Sanitation and Hygiene National Outcome Routine Mapping (WASHNORM) survey, 2021
The survey is a collaboration between the Federal Ministry of Water Resource and the National Bureau of Statistics with support from UNICEF, the World Bank, WHO and other development partners.
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