Download- Nigerian Standard for Drinking Water Quality
Drinking water quality standard ensures the safety of drinking water supplies and the protection of public health. The establishment of the Nigerian Standard for Drinking Water Quality (NSDQW) will ensure the protection of the consumers. It is expected that the Nigerian Standard for Drinking Water Quality will speed up the process of upgrading non-protected water systems and improving the management of all drinking water systems in the country.
Consensus on the content of the Nigerian Standard for Drinking Water Quality was reached through extensive consultations with all stakeholders including development partners with responsibilities in the management of water quality. This standard is therefore based on general principles of a preventive, integrated and collaborative multi-agency approach. This standard sets parameters and maximum allowable limits for drinking water in Nigeria. It also includes normative references/laws guiding drinking water quality, the definition of terminologies, institutional roles and responsibilities, monitoring, data management and compliance criteria.
In developing this Standard, references were made to the Nigerian Industrial Standards for Potable Water and Natural Mineral Water, the National Guidelines and Standards for Water Quality in Nigeria, the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines for drinking water quality (3rd Edition) and International Organisation of Nigeria (ISO)
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